The National Center on Family Homelessness has released a report,
America's Youngest Outcasts. It is now available
online. There is an interactive map that lets you research the specific results for your state. According to the report Montana's Overall Rank regarding child homelessness is 33rd of the 50 states. There is definite room for improvement.
One of the categories reported on is Child Well Being, "A child's well-being depends on more than just having a roof over his head. Children living in families who are homeless or at risk for homelessness suffer from hunger, poor physical and mental health, and missed educational opportunities." Montana ranked 40th in this category.
The report continues to show that children without homes are twice as likely to experience hunger as other children. Two-thirds worry they won't have enough to eat and one-third report being forced to skip meals. Homeless children are more than twice as likely to have health problems, repeat a grade in school, be expelled or suspended, or even drop out of school.