Sitting in this meeting trying to address Montana's homelessness issue, it's a planning session. The federal grant source has let us all know that the grant that they previously administered will be changing significantly. The analogy that is being used is that the ground underneath our feet has just shifted.
Now, I've only had the opportunity to be in a couple earthquakes, where I live in Montana there aren't many big earthquakes. When I did experience an earthquake I remember thinking it was odd and looking for something that was solid and unmoving to orient myself to.
The difference here is that we are all moving through this earthquake together, only able to move forward addressing Montana's homelessness together. Renaming previous committees, involving other groups and organizations, setting new schedules, processes and structure. People are asking, "What are our constants? What is not changing? What will still exist after the dust settles?"
Carmen Gonzalez, Team Lead for Projects for Asssistance in Transition from Homelessness, MHC - Billings, had this to say about this process, "Yesterday and today's meetings reflect the strength, courage, dedication and determination of Montana's efforts to meet, share and brainstorm in order to impact lives. The power that comes with collaboration and carries on the Tradition of Compassion."
Hank Hudson, Economic Security Branch Manager, DPHHS, summarized this process by saying, "Reducing and ending homelessness is a vision that brings Montana communities together. Keeping the best parts of the Continuum of Care for Homelessness process alive and getting positioned for the future brings the best qualities of these dedicated programs to the forefront."
We are remaining focused on what is constant, sticking together and learning about the shifting nature of addressing homelessness. This process reflects Samaritan House's committment to serving the homeless of the Falthead Valley and Montana's committment to homeless Montanans.