Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Annual Progress Report

The picture above will explain the absence of an update lately. The Annual Progress Report, "2006(done in 2007)" and "2007(done in 2008)", is the compilation of numbers of people served, money spent, services offered, budget efficiency and outcomes measured. This report gets sent to Housing and Urban Development (HUD) as a way to monitor the grant funding we receive from them each year.
I don't like doing these reports. It is difficult and there is little acknowledgement of feelings and emotion. It boils things down too far. It is important to remember that every number and tally mark represents a person. Every dollar shown is hard earned. Every life changed is major.
The highlights for last year are that we served more people in the Shelter and also in the Transitional Housing. We actually lengthened our average length of stay. We were able to offer more types of services than ever before and showed better percentages of success in outcomes.
Twelve months from today I will have to send off another Annual Progress Report, "2008(done in 2009)", I better get started.

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