- “He was a good man. He worked hard for a living. He had five kids and we always had a roof over our heads and food on the table.”
- “My Dad was a big loser. He drank and gambled. One good thing was that he always helped me when I asked.”
- “My father was very compassionate and always cared about my feelings. He spent time with us and took us camping and to the movies etc. He was a good provider and I never went without the necessities.”
- “My father was abusive when I was younger. He passed away. I don’t have anything else to say about that.”
- “He was a very hard working man. I believe he found God and was forgiven of his sins.”
- “He was a crusty curmudgeon and that was also his nickname, Crusty Curmudgeon.”
- “He was an honorable, honest and compassionate man.”
- “I never knew my father.”
- “My father was a hard working man. He was a contractor who kept a roof over our heads and food on the table. He died young.”
- “He was strong and supportive. He taught me a trade and then betrayed me. I don’t talk to him any more and I haven’t for years.”
- “My father is very cool. He loves to make fun out of every situation that he is in. I love my father, he helps me even though I do not live with him any more.”
- “He was a good man and a hard worker who loved his family. I just wish I would have had the chance to know him sooner.”
So what was your father like? As you can see from the answers above, at the shelter the responses are about 50/50. The good answers say their father was hardworking, compassionate and a good provider. The tougher responses review their dad as a loser, abusive and even not present.
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