I am thankful for...
- A happy place to stay and a bunch of other stuff that is hard to explain but always keeps me happy.
- Sobriety and the Lord, who helps me through.
- Having a good dinner here and being warm.
- For strangers here to have enough heart to let me stay in the shelter so I can better my life. The staff here is great.
- Family and friends.
- Family and the good example my parents set for me.
- Family, friends, my boyfriend and his girls, the opportunity to live in Northwest Montana, a roof over my head, food to eat, clothes to wear, reliable transportation...
- The people in my life who love and accept me.
- For being here at the shelter, thank you for being so loving and caring.
- For the Samaritan House for taking my cousin and I in when times were hard and getting us warm clothes.
- For the Salvation Army for giving me a temporary job.
- For the free internet at the library so i can keep in touch with my family.
- I am thankful for everyone who has donated food and volunteered today so that we can have a Thanksgiving when I didn't think we were going to be able to.
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