This may be sort of boring for some of you but I am interested in this because it shows on paper just how overloaded the shelter is. The Homelessness Research Institiute has developed a series of interactive maps, calculators and charts intended to provide quick access to data on homelessness and improve understanding of important concepts related to ending homelessness. These interactive tools are posted on the website for the
National Alliance to End Homelessness website.
Below is the Shelter Need Calculator.

The column titled "Currently Serving" shows the number of people we are currently serving and the current size of the shelter, with the end result of 41 Shelter Beds Needed.
The column titled "Flathead Homeless Shelter Need" compares the size of the homeless population in Flathead County to the number of shelter beds needed to accomodate our homelessness issue. The result here is 225 Total Minimum Shelter Beds Needed.
Keep in mind these numbers only reflect the shelter portion of what the Samaritan House does. We also provide Transitional Housing and Permanent Housing.
To quote the movie Jaws, "I think we're gonna need a bigger boat."
Stay tuned for exciting news about what the Samaritan House is doing to try to address this demand for services...
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