Every four years humanity is given a 24 hour window that does not exist in the other (more envious) years. February 29 is nearly upon us and with it comes the great existential dilemma of how we should live on a day that doesn't exist. Basically, you have 1440 minutes to do whatever you want and it doesn't count because it never really happened!

So, here is my grandiose idea for tomorrow- the day that doesn't count. I would love it if everyone who read this participated in one act of kindness. There are no rules... it can be spontaneous or premeditated and directed at a family member, friend, absolute stranger, republican, democrat, third party supporter, or Canadian. Really, it doesn't matter as long as you select someone.
My rationale for picking tomorrow is simple. If it really is a day that doesn't count, then it wont matter if you are recognized for your deed or not. In the annuls of human history, you will receive no commendation for your noble gesture. It might be the closest thing to a selfless act that can be done. You have an entire day to fill and how you decide to carry on is up to you.
I will actually sweeten the pot a bit. You can email me and let me know what you chose to do and I will post your deed here for all of the Valley to marvel at. Of course, I will not use your real name so you can submit a pseudonym or I'll just go with your initials. You can reach me at curt_samaritanhouse@yahoo.com .
Have a great day-that-doesn't-really-exist-but-really-does-so-use-it-wisely.
I am so glad I only have to be kind once a year.
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