'YEEEHAWWW... Y'ALL!!' Mark your calendars!... it's almost that time again! Our Flathead Southerner's 17th Annual CATFISH FRY & Gatherin' is Sunday, June 30, 2013. 'Social Hour' begins at 4:30 pm, the 'All-You-Can-Eat' Buffet begins at 5:30 pm & the 'Program' (raffle drawings, silent auction closings, etc.) begins at 6:30 pm. See details, menu & price on attached flyer.
*Location - Vista Linda Restaurant-Pavilion 240 Boon Road, Somers, Montana overlooking beautiful Flathead Lake. The special buffet menu of 12+ different food items is prepared by Vista Linda Catering using authentic 'Southern' family recipes. All our favorites will be there such as Cajun Gumbo, Fried Okra & Jambalaya! Every year many folks say,'Please don't change a THING!'... so we try not to! TWO serving lines minimize waiting. No advance meal "tickets" are sold, simply pay at the buffet line by cash, check or credit card. PLEASE CALL EARLY FOR RESERVATIONS directly to Vista Linda @ (406) 857-3158... by Friday June 28. (200 maximum seating under pavilion + 100 outside seating) The Price is only $22 for all you care to eat of some of the best southern cooking around!
If you'd like to donate prize items or Gift Certificates for our popular *Raffle Benefit* & *Silent Auction*, I'd be happy to give you a free 'advertising plug' in front of an expected 300+ attendees! (Last year we had over $22,000 retail value in donations!) If anyone would like to volunteer to help solicit donations for prizes, I'd greatly appreciate the help. It's never too early to start asking for donations, so please let me know ASAP @ 257-1313 or by email. (Gift Certificates are very popular and get customers in to your business!)
100% of the proceeds from the 2013 Raffle & Silent Auction will be donated to Kalispell's 'Samaritan House', a homeless shelter and transitional living program organized in 1988. The mission of the Samaritan House is to provide shelter and basic needs for homeless people, while fostering self-respect and human dignity. For more info, visit their website at http://homelessintheflathead.blogspot.com/ Checks for donations & raffle tickets made directly to 'Samaritan House', a 501(c)3 non-profit corp., are fully tax-deductible.
PLEASE consider helping this wonderful organization with a generous donation &/or buying lots of raffle tickets at our event which will be priced at $5 each or $20 for 6 or $50 for 20. If you can't attend, donations may be made online at the website by credit card or PayPal or mailed to Samaritan House, 124 9th Ave West, P.O. Box 592, Kalispell, MT 59903 (406) 257-5801 THANK YOU!
The 'Program' & raffle drawings will start about 6:30 & should be over about 8:00 pm. Please plan to stay for it ALL! Please help spread the word... tell all your 'Southern' friends & 'Southern Food Lovers'. I like to say, "You don't HAVE to be 'Southern' to attend, but it helps you to understand the jokes!"
Feel free to forward this e-mail to all you know and to even print off the attached 'Flyer' & post on your neighborhood, church, or work bulletin boards. I hope to see 'All Y'all' there for this year's 'Fun, Food & Fellowship'! Feel free to wear your 'Southern' shirts & caps. 'Y'ALL COME, YA HEAR?!'
Best "Southern" Regards,
Bill McGuffie (Univ. of Southern Miss.-'72) 'Go Golden Eagles!'
'Flathead Southerners'- Founder, Organizer, Host & Emcee
PS... We've added a 'Flathead Southerners' group on Facebook. Please "Like" us at the link below and feel free to post photos of anything "Southern" you'd like to share. You must log in to your facebook account first. http://www.facebook.com/pages/Flathead-Southerners/106956219418205
PSS... Our 2007 event was featured in the Kalispell 'Daily Inter Lake' on Sunday 07/01/07. It was excellent coverage with SIX great photos in the 'Montana Life' section! The link is: http://www.dailyinterlake.com/community/lifestyle/article_a800a45a-bcbb-571d-9c98-6a43679357e4.html (Only the lead photo is on the Internet edition.)
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