Thursday, September 5, 2013

Illegal to be Homeless?

Should it be illegal to be homeless?

South Carolina outlawed homelessness in certain parts of the capital city of Columbia. Anyone found sleeping outside will be taken 15 miles away and placed in a shelter or jailed if they refuse to comply. The logic behind these relocation centers is too improve the situation for local business owners and to cut down on crime.

 As small business owners on Main Street, we see firsthand how the homeless crisis is affecting the city,” Jessica and Joe Kastiner, owners of Paradise Ice, told the city council. “Please think of the everyday citizens, the revitalization of Columbia and the safety of everyone.

Interesting... I thought the homeless were citizens, too. 

I understand that business owners have a right to make a living and create conditions that maximize their opportunities. I can even empathize with them because my parents owned a small business when I was a kid. It's a difficult path and requires diligence, hard work, and a bit of luck. But I don't think the answer is shipping off people who are homeless. I don't think tossing them into the slammer is quite the right idea, either.

The article cites the cost of housing one person at a shelter at $22,000 for a year. To house someone in an apartment and include services like rehabilitation (which is NOT necessary for all homeless people), the cost is between $16-17,000. Hmm... Interesting.

But besides the economics of the situation, this is also a moral issue. Is it right to round people up and force them to leave an area if they are not bothering others? Are the aesthetics of a situation now the base foundation to dictate policies that infringe upon the rights of citizens? I grew up on the east coast and spent a lot of time in South Carolina as a child and young adult. The people are hospitable  and friendly and I don't want to stereotype the entire Palmetto State with this blog. 

But, for now, it seems that Montana is warmer place to live in some aspects.

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