Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Last Post of the Year!!!

Disclaimer: the views expressed in this blog do not reflect my own resolutions. I am neither disciplined nor committed enough to think of, compile, or list any ideas for 2015. The goals listed below were taken from a national survey but the commentary provided is my own and I cannot blame anyone else. So, without further adieu...

New Years Resolution #1) Spend More Time with Family & Friends.
This is a great idea if your family's last name is Brady or Banks (think Fresh Prince) and a laugh-track accompanied all the hilarious hijinks you encountered each day. However, most of us live more in a 'Roseanne' type of world that forces us to accept and others, warts and all. Find the good things to focus on and remember love is often more of a decision than emotion.

New Years Resolution #2) Fit in Fitness.
Ah, the irony and hypocrisy as I write this from my recliner. The importance of exercise will yield short and long term benefits. And I promise to partake in this glorious idea as soon as I am finished with this blog (and the football game I am watching is over).

New Years Resolution #3) Tame the Bulge.
Like peas and carrots or meat and potatoes, this resolution partners with the above-mentioned goal to increase our quality of life. Perhaps we should supersize fewer things this year and remember that, while inner beauty is definitely more important than its outer counterpart, it is still okay to take pride in our appearance.

New Years Resolution #4) Quit Smoking.
Um... Nothing witty to add here. Just stop smoking so you can live a longer and healthier life. Also, how many world class decathletes do you know who smoke 2 packs a day? Also, this is great advice if you want to be a world class decathlete.

New Years Resolution #5) Enjoy Life More.
Jump. Run. Sing. Paint. Cook. Dance. Write. Hike. Swim. Debate. Learn. Stop being afraid and realize this is the only life you have and if you live an inhibited existence, you are robbing yourself. Do something that surprises everyone you know and makes them scratch their collective heads while trying to figure out what is wrong with you (by the way... NOTHING).

New Years Resolution #6) Quit Drinking Too Much.
Not trying to be preachy here, but the effects of alcohol abuse are devastating on the entire community.

New Years Resolution #7) Get Out of Debt.
Okay, this one is easier said than done, but at least take steps toward this. What are the things in our lives we can reprioritize? Think before spending. Is something a want or a need? Just because something is on QVC or an Amazon Daily Deal does not mean you have to have it. Remember that Snuggie collecting dust in your closet?

New Years Resolution #8) Learn Something New.
I'll even help you with this one! Try learning a different language because you will have an endless amount of fun once you bump into the one other person in the Valley who speaks Swahili. However, if languages are not your forte, then stretch yourself by being a continual learner in another area.

New Years Resolution #9) Help Others.
Not because its a tax deduction or looks good on a résumé. Not so you can tell others about your exploits or benevolence. Help others because you have, at one time and to some degree, received help and now its time to remember that. Help others because they have innate value as human beings and it is the right thing to do.

New Years Resolution #10) Get Organized.
Wow. This one is no fun. What kind of sick and twisted person values organization over chaos!? I suggest you begin with your sock drawer and master that black hole before moving on to greater and grander efforts. Remember, Rome wasn't built in a day.

So, there you have it. A list worthy of mounting on any refrigerator and ignoring until the spring, when its time to purge the doors and hang takeout menus and your kid's school art projects. But, whatever resolutions you make... Happy New Year, from the staff at Samaritan House!

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