Monday, March 4, 2019

Current Needs

This February 33.2 inches of snow fell in Kalispell, making it the snowiest February on record. Daytime temperatures hovered in the low single digits and the wind chill plummeted well below zero on several occasions. And while winter weather in the Flathead might fluctuate between nasty and brutal, our needs at Samaritan House remain consistent. Here are some items we can always use.

Temporary beds like the one pictured above.  We at Samaritan house feel that bunk beds offer less dignity and respect but are in need of adding more beds. ($129 at WalMart.)  This will give us more ability to flex as demands rise in the colder months.

Donations of warm socks, and boots. Our residents might begin and end their days in the shelter, but they also spend a great portion of their time outside the shelter pursuing employment opportunities as well as going to jobs they have. Many of them walk or rely on public transportation so warm gear is a lifesaver.

Toilet paper and bathroom supplies are also coveted and appreciated. These items are easy to take for granted when they are always on hand, but imagine what it would be like if you need them but don't have them. Personal hygiene is essential to fostering feelings of self confidence and if these items are donated, we are able to use our resources for other things we need.

Cleanliness is an important (as well as state-mandated!) virtue for us so we also really appreciate cleaning supplies. We want to do our best to provide a clean environment for our residents, staff, volunteers, and guests. Spending a great deal of our time in community necessitates keeping things clean and sanitary to reduce the risk of sickness.

All of these items are appreciated because we use them often. Thanks for all that you do to make Samaritan House a place that meets the needs of its residents on a daily basis. Treating people with dignity and respect are important to us and you help us do that. If you have any questions, please call our office.

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