Monday, December 12, 2011


People become pensive this time of year. The holiday season spawns all manner of emotions: joy, hope, resolution, anger, sadness, redemption... the list is endless and unique to each person. As the current year begins to pack up and close shop, 2012 is eagerly waiting in the wings for its opportunity to emerge and take its rightful place in world history.

As the calendar shortens, many of us reflect back over the previous 365 days and take a personal inventory of what happened and how these events impacted our lives. If we could have a restart, what would we do differently? Looking back is always easier than living in the moment so what wisdom will we garner from last year?

Resolutions are easy enough to make but sometimes difficult to keep. Over the next few days, I will list some resolutions for the new year. How can we keep moving forward and avoid the stagnant tendencies that render us powerless and hopeless? What changes can me make in our own lives as well as the lives of others?

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